Leading the way for 10 years in answering all questions
from people in their 20s and 30s

Why a coaching programm is helping you make mentally healthy choices in your work

Do you recognize this?


You lie awake more and more often because you are thinking about work.


You wake up in a bad mood and sometimes you just stay in bed for a whole day.


You feel disgruntled, have a short fuse and snarl at your partner.


You are increasingly considering resigning and are making exit plans, when in fact you have the perfect job.


You are looking for a structural change.

This isn’t fun anymore. Your life feels like a mess. You feel like an loose cannon. You’re looking for clues on how to make choices that really suit you. But how do you tackle this?

Around the age of 30 years, you often make choices that affect the rest of your life. You make choices for a partner, children, work, living. It is therefore not surprising that by now 20%  of 25-35 year olds suffer from stress and burnout symptoms!

Maybe you too?

That is why we want to assist young professionals in this busy phase of their lives, so that they can make a proactive start to their career.

Click for a free introduction

“The coaching brought me expertise that I would not have achieved without professional guidance. The combination of talking and doing (exercises, home assignments) was nice.
Coaching with Manou felt good right away. Safe, supportive, confrontational where needed. I feel like I worked the hardest. Without feeling like I was doing it alone. I experienced it as empowering and learned to stay with myself and listen to myself more. A certain awareness was created that needed to be rediscovered. And as a result, I notice that with new job options, I don’t look at ‘it in a ‘does it fit in my careerpath and do I have the competences?’- way. I now look at everything much more consciously and from feeling, rather than thinking. And that’s really nice, because it makes a choice much more authentic– Dilly Timmer (34), Participation coach Youth Counter, Municipality of Amsterdam

Our promise:


We are accessible and committed, before, after and during the coaching process

Our coaches help you not only during the coaching sessions, but also outside of them. Even if questions aren’t just about your coaching question. We are always available for questions and regularly share relevant articles and tips with you.


We work with the ME Coach Workbook

Our coach workbook contains stimulating questions and insightful assignments. It helps you dig deeper into your coaching question. View a preview here: Download PDF


We keep developping ourselves professionally and take time for peer review together

We keep our knowledge up to date with courses,  workshops and intervision. We meet our professional association’s annual standard for Personal Education (PE) points. So you benefit from the knowledge and experience of all our coaches.


On average, we have at least 10 years of coaching/work experience

Our coaches are certified and have at least 10 years of coaching/work experience and a good portion of life experience. This combination adds to their expertise and makes them Supercoaches.

During the coaching process with Nathalie, I gained more insight into who I am and what I want. Nathalie held out a mirror to me and asked clarifying questions, as a result of which I actually made decisions, made choices and took steps.” – Arjan (29)

Organizations where we often coach young professionals:

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Need a sneak peek?

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Meet our coaches:

Muriel van Hoek


Sometimes you reach a point in your life when you ‘don’t know what to do for a while’ or you ‘can’t see the wood for the trees’ or social problems ‘come in really bad’. You feel like Atlas, lugging the world on your shoulders…

Manou van Eerten


Manou is not taking on any new clients until September 2024 due to a sabbatical.

Since 2011, I have been coaching people in their twenties and thirties with career questions and/or quarter life crisis. With the establishment of The ME Company, I chose this target group…

Nathalie Hugenholtz


“There’s only one way to find out…”

What if you just can’t remember why you’re doing certain things? What if your life suddenly starts to move? Then there’s no point in standing still…

Eva van Duin

Haarlem, Amsterdam

I’ve always been interested in the minds of people. Therefore I decided, after a career as a balletdancer, to study psychology. By now I’m a lifespan psychologist, certified mindfulness trainer and most importantly an enthusiastic and dedicated coach…

Click for a free introduction

ME biografie

ME Biography

We want to give young talents at the beginning of their careers an energetic start, because we find that it is difficult to make the right choices, this causes a lot of stress and you could well use a helping hand.

“I thought it was a super course! All the focus is on your strengths, which is nice in our self-critical society. The interviews gave me a better understanding of who I am and what I can do, allowing me to look for a job in a more targeted way. I had no idea where to start when I came and now I have a new job!– Juliette (27)

  • Locaties:
    – Amsterdam:
    IJsbaanpad 9      Baarsjesweg 224                    IJburglaan 448                         – Utrecht:    Catharijnesingel 56-57           – Haarlem:    Diakenhuisweg 39 

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To guarantee the quality of the ME Coaches we are members of several professional associations:

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