Leading the way for 10 years in answering all questions from people in their 20s and 30s

Muriel van Hoek scaled

Muriel van Hoek


Sometimes you reach a point in your life when you ‘don’t know what to do for a while’ or you ‘can’t see the wood for the trees’ or social problems ‘come in really bad’. You feel like Atlas, lugging the world on your shoulders, or Tom Thumb, but without the seven-mile boots.

At those moments, I would like to join you or walk a bit with you, to offer you support, helping you to get a clear picture of where you want to go, what you can and want to do.

I help you to calmly determine your direction and regain control, so you can walk your own path in the direction you want.


‘Consciousness is the space between stimulus and response’ – Victor Frankl


Muriel van Hoek


Muriel van Hoek scaled

Sometimes you reach a point in your life when you ‘don’t know what to do for a while’ or you ‘can’t see the wood for the trees’ or social problems ‘come in really bad’. You feel like Atlas, lugging the world on your shoulders, or Tom Thumb, but without the seven-mile boots.

At those moments, I would like to join you or walk a bit with you, to offer you support, helping you to get a clear picture of where you want to go, what you can and want to do.

I help you to calmly determine your direction and regain control, so you can walk your own path in the direction you want.


‘Consciousness is the space between stimulus and response’ – Victor Frankl







What were you like in your thirties?

In 2005 – the year I turned 30 – I graduated as an Occupational & Organisational Psychologist. Years later than the friends I had started with in 1995. I did things my way. In 2000, for instance, I had already started working as a Junior Psychologist by training and had chosen to work alongside my studies; which in practice meant studying alongside my work.

I was tough, down-to-earth, no-nonsense, could work hard and was not really in touch with my feelings. I liked standing on the sidelines, liked to think things through, analyse and consider. In a group, I was there, but not quite. And if I was there, it was with my organisational skills or bold statements. My thirty-something dilemma – being allowed to choose for yourself/do what is right for you – expressed itself (unconsciously) through physical complaints, such as RSI. I finally became aware of this dilemma when I was 37 and decided to quit my job overnight.

Life is a reality to be lived’ – Schopenhauer

How do you help millennials?

Unconsciously, I have always followed my own path and listened to my ‘inner self and made the right choices. Because I stay very close to myself and am aware of what is mine, also in coaching, I look very purely at the other person and can thus help them get closer to themselves and make choices that are right for them.

I help you zoom in and out, stay close to yourself and connect with others, clear obstructing patterns from your past and follow your own path towards the future. I coach you with clarity and compassion, by supporting you and allowing you to look at yourself openly and honestly. I can be your sounding board, helping you to listen to your ‘inner self’.


  • Career coaching
  • Stress & burnout coaching
  • Work-life balance
  • Body-oriented psychology
  • Assessment
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Manou van Eerten


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Haarlem, Amsterdam

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