Leading the way for 10 years in answering all questions from people in their 20s and 30s

Evaluation of your Coaching

At The ME Company we want to continuously improve our services. Therefore, we would like to hear your sincere opinion. Below are some questions about your coaching program.

Would you mind answering them?

"*" geeft vereiste velden aan

1. Name*
2. Which coach guided you?*
Which themes were central to the coaching for you?
What have you achieved through the coaching*
Choose at least two (starting) insights

Thank you for completing these evaluation questions. In the final coaching session, we will discuss your answers in order to secure the benefits of the coaching program and how you can continue after the coaching program.

Locations Amsterdam (2), Utrecht, Haarlem

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To guarantee the quality of the ME Coaches we are members of several professional associations:

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