Leading the way for 10 years in answering all questions
from people in their 20s and 30s

Here are three underlying causes that can make you feel stuck in your career:


In the Netherlands, 6 out of 10 workers experience work-related stress regularly or very often. One in five young professionals between 25 and 35 years of age experience burnout or burnout-like symptoms. Not surprising, then, if you feel stressed!


Do you have a dormant feeling that you are not good enough the way you are? That you should be happier if only you were [better, brighter, healthier, more positive]? You’ve got it! Happyism!


Do you think it’s your own fault that you’re not happy? That all others are? You probably think the world is feasible and so is your happiness!

Introductory video from our founder, Manou van Eerten

Thankfully, we are here to offer you our help.

All ME coaches belong to a professional association to ensure high quality: 

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Examples of coach questions in an introductory meeting:


“Keeping my work-life balance healthy is a challenge. Yes, this is my first full-time job, and yes, I know I am a perfectionist. But there is such a high workload, and most people are so idealistic about why they chose a job with this employer. It’s very hard to set boundaries about when work stops and chill time starts.”


“Since returning home after the holidays, I feel very stressed and this has a negative effect on my relationship at home. I experience a sense of injustice, feel powerless and disillusioned. I want to improve my work-life balance, but I don’t know how. I tend to avoid conflicts with others. This comes at the expense of myself. I need to change that, but how do I start?”

We help you choose what you really want

Our promise


All our coaches are certified and have at least 10 years of coaching/work experience


We have already successfully coached more than 800 clients


Our method focuses on what is already going well (appreciative coaching)


We are specialized in the challenges of young professionals in their 20s and 30s

Ideal for coaching questions such as:


Dealing with your perfectionism; you are already good enough


Better work-life balance; learning to set boundaries


Doubting less and learning to make better choices


Resign, start your own business or look for a new job


Happy in your relationship, but where will you live now and do you want children or not? What about your partner?

ME Coachmodel Loopbaan ENG

Examples of coach questions in an introductory meeting:


“I have achieved a lot in my work thanks to my high ambitions. But I have also discovered limits that I wish I had not discovered. I came close to burnout a few times. I’m afraid I’ll be too late next time.”


 “I miss some kind of mentorship at work and tend to overcomplicate things. It feels like I constantly have to reinvent the wheel and that creates a lot of pressure. I experience too much stress due to the growing pains of the business.”


” By creating a roadmap with Muriël for a better work-life balance, I discovered what I find important in my life and where I want to spend my energy. For instance, I was always very focused on my work and spent a lot of energy on work, but I didn’t get any energy in return. I also neglected other aspects of my life because of work, whereas I find those aspects much more important.” 
– Jan (30)

“Manou’s direct communication made me think in a positive way. I do need a nudge in that direction from time to time. Sometimes I want to move on to another topic too quickly, but fortunately Manou makes sure I pause and think about the topic long enough before we move on. So I am very satisfied! The assignments were instructive, Manou offered a listening ear without judging. So highly recommended!– Debbie (30) Recruiter, Multinational

Organisations where we often coach young professionals:

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Logos samenwerkingen mobiel 3
BlinkLane 1

Prefered supplier van Blink Lane

Marleen Werkhoven (31), HR advisor

Nothing is set in stone at The ME Company, the coachee’s question is leading throughout the whole trajectory. Our consultants really had to put effort in it: ultimately they are the ones who want to take steps and need to take action to do so. The ME-coaches support the process. 
This can be confronting, but also necessary. Precisely this confrontation makes our consultants take the extra mile. The ME Company offers good personal guidance in which direct tools are provided that can be applied in practice. I think that’s really powerful. Don’t just talk, but really take action!

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Check out our latest blog posts here (in Dutch): 

Mild zijn voor jezelf. Hoe doe je dat?

Mild zijn voor jezelf. Hoe doe je dat?

Onderzoek wijst uit dat bijna driekwart van de dertigers te maken heeft met een zogenoemd dertigersdilemma in onze samenleving. Rond je dertigste is een moment waarop je vaak grote beslissingen neemt op het vlak van werk, relatie, wonen en/of een kinderwens. Besluiten...

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Hoe mijn dertigersdilemma zorgde voor de beste keuze van mijn leven!

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Keuzestress?! Goed genoeg is de beste keuze!

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To guarantee the quality of the ME Coaches we are members of several professional associations:

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